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KGA Institute

Welcome to the KGA Institute

The KGA Institute is the professional learning and career development arm of the King's Group Academies. 

We provide a suite of professional learning opportunities for colleagues at all stages in their career, including an Early Career Teacher Programme, National Professional Qualifications (NPQs) as well as leadership development programmes.

If you have any questions regarding the work of the KGA Institute please feel free to contact us at

Early Career Teacher Programme 

The early career framework sets out what early career teachers are entitled to learn about and learn how to do when they start their careers. It underpins the entitlement of new entrants to the teaching profession in terms of two years of professional development, designed to help early career teachers develop their practice, knowledge, skills and working habits.

It provides Early Career Teachers with excellent grounding and training opportunities to ensure that they develop as expert practitioners whilst supporting mentors in becoming highly effective instructional coaches.

The KGA Institute has a comprehensive and innovative training offer for Early Career Teachers and their mentors for the full two-year programme.

Coming soon....a podcast from our ECT Director, Louisa Perkins, regarding the ECT Programme at King's Group Academies.

National Professional Qualifications

The National Professional Qualifications (NPQs) are a suite of DfE accredited qualifications for school leaders, designed to support professional development and help school leaders and teachers become more effective in their practice.

Currently, KGA leaders facilitate the NPQLT and the NPQSL which are hosted at King's Academy Prospect.

Further information on the NPQs is available on the Best Practice Network website.

KGA colleagues interested in completing a NPQ should speak to their line manager in the first instance.


Leadership Development Programmes 

For the Academic Year 2025/26, we are running four Aspiring Leadership programmes:


Aspiring Leadership: Primary Curriculum
Aspiring Leadership: Secondary Curriculum
Aspiring Leadership: Pastoral Leadership
Aspiring Leadership: Senior Leadership

These courses are led by senior colleagues from King's Group Academies, all of whom have significant experience of leading successful primary, secondary and all-through schools.  

The Aspiring Leadership programmes are suitable for any colleague who is considering leadership with the Trust.

Further details can be found in the KGA CPD Offer Booklet.

In addition, you can find out more about leadership development by looking at the Leadership NPQs brochure.

Teaching and Learning at KGA 

At King's Group Academies, we believe that teaching and learning is of the utmost importance.  Every pupil deserves the very best teaching, in every lesson, every day.  This expert teaching comes from our skilled and passionate staff, who deserve the very best research-rich continuing professional development opportunities.

Professional development is at the core of everything we do.  All teaching staff receive personalised, instructional coaching to develop their teaching through our programme of Development Drop-Ins (DDIs) and WalkThrus.  All staff have access to a wide range of CPD within individual schools and across the multi-academy trust.

We believe that cross-trust collaboration is crucial in ensuring that expertise is shared widely across our family of academies so that our pupils are equipped with the necessary knowledge, skills and qualities to secure opportunity and success on a global stage.

For more information about teaching and learning at King's Group Academies, please visit our website.

KGA Research Consortium 

Welcome to the Research section of the KGA Institute.  

We are currently developing the work of the Research Consortium with a view to providing a wealth of resources related to action research, self-directed learning and the key findings that emerge from our commitment to evidence-based practice. 

We believe that continuous improvement is essential to providing the best possible education for our students, and the Research Consortium aims to highlight the innovative approaches our staff are taking to enhance teaching and learning through a research-focused lens.

In time, from this section of the KGA Institute, you will be able to explore the various projects and initiatives which represent a diverse range of subjects and pedagogical approaches.  The Research Consortium encourages the members of our learning community to discover best practice, learn from the research experiences of colleagues across the Trust and engage with the ongoing research that informs our strategic vision and underpins our pursuit of excellence in KGA.  

We encourage you to delve into these resources, contribute to the ongoing dialogue, and utilise the findings to further enrich your own professional practice.  This platform serves as a testament to our dedication to collaborative enquiry and the power of shared knowledge within the King's Group Academies community.

For further information regarding the development of the KGA Research Consortium please contact Dr Nigel Matthias (